Visual Art

Visual Arts Program
The visual arts program at Cypress Lake Middle School is concerned with the whole student.  With that in mind, our program has three key areas of focus:

Creative Thinking
During a 2010 study, about 60% of CEOs polled by IBM cited creativity as the most important leadership quality.  

Students face many open-ended projects in the art room.  Often, the hardest part of a project is generating ideas.  However, it is the creative 
struggle that leads to student growth.  

Planning and Problem Solving 
To help students overcome creative hurdles, we regularly practice planning and problem solving strategies.  As students develop fluency in planning and problem solving, they can apply these principles to all areas of life and learning.  
problem solving

Love of Art, Learning, and Self
We want the art room at Cypress Lake Middle School to be a place students look forward to visiting and a place where they feel safe to grow. We set learning expectations with the intention of pushing our students to "struggle with support" which ultimately leads to the powerful feeling of success.  Our attention goes not just to developing emerging artists, but also to igniting an interest in creating and learning for even the artistically 
reluctant student.  

Studio Habits of Mind
The framework of our program is the Studio Habits of Mind.  Lessons are developed, at all levels, to promote growth in each of the habits.

studio habits

Technology as an instructional strategy is a significant part of our program.  Chromebooks and the Google Apps for Education allow students to take control of their learning and helps prepare them for the future.  

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