Dismissal Procedures.pdf
Dismissal Procedures
Signing a child out from school
If a situation arises that will result in a student being signed out from school before the end of the school day, it is important to be aware of the process. All requests to sign a child out from school must be made at least 30 minutes before the end of the school day. On a normal school day, no child may be signed out after 3:30 pm. Any person requesting to sign out a child, must be listed on the student’s emergency card. This includes immediate family, other relatives, or friends. Please bring a copy of a state issued ID to the front office. Once identification has been verified, the classroom will be called and the student will come to the main office. We respectfully request that parents communicate through our office rather than via text message with students directly.
End of the School day
A normal school day ends at 4:00. Students will be dismissed via School News. To ensure safe and orderly dismissal, students will be dismissed in a staggered manner. Walkers and bike riders will be dismissed first.
At the conclusion of School News, a list of buses on the ramp will be displayed. At that time, students on the buses listed will report to the ramp. Others will wait inside of the classroom. As additional buses arrive, the list will be updated. It is important that all students know the bus number and pay attention to the school news. As soon as possible, remaining students will be dismissed to the bus ramp to wait for the remaining buses. CLMS will make every effort to communicate updates regarding delayed buses with families. Parents may choose to come and pick up a student who is waiting for a late bus. Please come to the front of the school and check in with our office.
Parent Pick Up
Our team appreciates the efforts of parents to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal in the car line after school. At the conclusion of School News, a list of students whose ride is on campus will be displayed. The list will continue to update as more cars arrive on campus. Students whose names are listed, will report to the front of the school for dismissal.
A member of the CLMS staff will direct traffic. The two lanes directly in front of the CLMS office will be fully loaded. Students will wait on the sidewalk until a member of our team gives the direction to get into the cars. The line moves very quickly, so it is important that students are alert and looking for the car, not on phones or engaged in other distractions. Please do not have students walk off campus to meet a ride at a local business or other location. Our car line moves efficiently and a little patience will help to maintain safety for all.
All parents will be provided a student pick up number which should be provided to the member of the CLMS staff as you arrive on campus. If someone else is providing a ride after school, please be sure to share this number. Your child will wait in the classroom, until the name is displayed on our school news. After the first few waves of students have left campus, all remaining car riders will be dismissed to the front of the school.
Lightning and inclement weather
If lightning is detected within the immediate vicinity of campus or other unsafe conditions are present, special procedures will be implemented to ensure safety. Walkers and bike riders will not be permitted to leave campus until it is safe to do so. Parent pick-up will be limited to a single line of traffic. Buses will be loaded one at a time. As soon as conditions improve, normal dismissal procedures will be utilized. Patience is appreciated.
After School Activities
After school activities will end at 5:15, unless otherwise noted. Parents coming to campus should wait in the car in a line in front of the school. As students leave the activities, they will load into cars from the sidewalk in front of the office. As soon as your child is in the car, you should pull forward or around the car line. An activity bus will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to help students participate in afterschool activities. The activity bus leaves campus around 5:30 and will bring students to the nearest school or church. Parents are expected to meet the child at this location.